Step 1

Create a new account and profile on our submission site.

Step 2

Build your session proposal, ensuring it aligns with our conference tracks. Highlight how your presentation will benefit our diverse audience. Share your learning objectives and what attendees will take away from your session.

Step 3

Enter all required information, select the “Save Submission” button, and then select “Submit” to officially submit your proposal for consideration.

Important Information About Proposal Submissions


The Call for Presentations closes on Friday, December 1, at 11:59 PM ET. (Late submissions will not be accepted.)

Easy Process

Follow our step-by-step submission guide below and refer to the resources on this page, including the FAQs.

Diverse Perspectives

We welcome ideas from all backgrounds and experiences.

Get Tips for a Successful Submission

Turn your research, insights, and best practices into a dynamic presentation at the ICMA Annual Conference.